Acupuncture for Pain & Sports Injury
Healing Your Body
Acupuncture is an ancient medical technique originating in China dating further back than 2600 BCE. Acupuncture involves the application of needles to certain points in the body to relieve pain, cure diseases, and improve overall general health
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognizes the use of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for the treatment of multiple and varied health concerns.
Chronic and Acute Conditions including (but not limited to) include:
Acute / Chronic Pain:
Low Back Pain and Sciatica | Neck Pain | Headaches and Migraines | Issues of TMJ | Fibromyalgia Pain | Arthritis | Shoulder Pain | Frozen Shoulder | Elbow Pain | Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis | Radiating Pain; Numbness and/or Tingling
Sports Therapy:
Low Back Pain and Tightness | Neck Pain and Tightness | Tight Calves and Hamstrings | Bursitis of Hips | Tennis or Golfers Elbow | Rotator Cuff Injuries | Achilles Tendinopathy | Muscle Strains and/or Contusions | Tendinopathy | Ligament Sprain and Joint Pain
How It Works:
Holistic Body Treatment
Chinese medicine is based on the principle that health is manifested from the inside out. The patient is evaluated using traditional Chinese Medicine principals as the treatment will work with the entire body and organs to improve the flow of blood and qi to the areas of concern. The initial assessment will include range of motion evaluation and manual muscle testing to diagnose the patient and their injury so that a treatment plan and protocol can be developed.
Understanding the Body and Injury:
Successful performance of activities requires the central nervous system (brain) to know exactly where the limbs are in space and the amount of effort required to perform a particular action. Muscle contractions are controlled by the central nervous system. The brain sends impulses through the spine to the motor nerve that enters the muscle at the central aspect of the muscle belly (known as the Motor Point)
The relationship of movement relies on the muscles' ability to send/receive information from the brain, and each muscle understanding their appropriate length. If the system is not functioning properly due to injury or muscle imbalance communication with central nervous system must be corrected in order to regain optimal muscle function and prevent further injury. Signs of dysfunction include lack of balance or uncoordinated movements, a decrease in awareness of joint position, muscle imbalances and tender muscles.
For muscle contraction or joint movement, a primary muscle (agonist) is responsible for the action of movement and an antagonist muscle(s) which moves opposite of the agonist muscle. This group of muscles functioning together allowing for controlled motion of joints and muscles. Balance between these muscles is critical for proper motion as imbalances lead to muscles shortening on one side and lengthened, weak and inhibited muscles on the other side leading resulting in decreased range of motion, spasms, improper joint position and eventual injury. Further, shortened muscles lose their ability to detect changes in length and do not respond to messages from the brain and continue to shortened and lead to improper muscle activation. Tendons will begin to pick up some of this slack.
Acupuncture to motor points within muscles can be used to restore communication with the brain and reset muscle length that is causing the abnormal muscle function and reflexive spasm. Acupuncture is one of the best therapies to use as it can release muscle shortening swiftly and precisely when inserted into the motor point.